Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fictional Pets

As a reader, I find some pets as interesting as-and at times more lovable than-some of the characters! 
I adore fictional pets with personality.

Some authors have a knack for weaving a pet into a book so well that the story would be lost without. In one novel I read recently, the heroine's cat had social network pages with thousands of followers. The heroine would dress the cat up in homemade clothing, tierras, etc. The social pages for the cat were built as a supplementary following for her own Etsy type business, but the cat became famous through it. Not only was this an interesting way to use a pet, the pet also served as friction between her and the hero who couldn't stand cats. All in all, I found it a very unique way, plot-wise, to intertwine a pet into a story.

In Sheltered, the dog of the hero, Ranger, although very lovable, is a bit of a spoiled troublemaker, yet the hero doesn't see it. Ranger has a way of breaking up tense moments and adding humor to scenes that need a smile.

What are your favorite fictional pets?

Excerpt from Sheltered by Hope Shyne

Sheltered is listed on Kindle at a special release price of 0.99
Available in paperback
Also available on Kindle Unlimited


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

New Release! Christian/Inspirational Romance Sheltered by Hope Shyne

Hey, that's me! I still can't believe this is published. It's been a long time coming. Shout out to my wattpad followers who gave me the courage!